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How To Build a Terrific ScoreBoard

How To Build a Terrific ScoreBoard

If you have laid a firm foundation by developing your organization’s Why in 8 Words or LessFuture FactsManifesto, and SMARTgoals, then you clearly know where you are going. It’s time to build a ScoreBoard to track your team’s progress.

A good ScoreBoard is:

1. Performance-oriented. Include measurable data that shows how you have allocated your scarce and precious resources. It should mark your performance in key areas such as amount in sales, amount in expenses, percentage of expenses from sales, sales dollars divided by number of clients, or any markers that indicate how the organization is performing from a big-picture perspective....

Laying the Groundwork for Your ScoreBoard

Laying the Groundwork for Your ScoreBoard

As a make-things-happen kind of person, you want to know whether you and your team are getting important stuff done in the right way, at the right time, and for the right cost.

ScoreBoards help you track this important information.

But before you can know what would be helpful to record on your ScoreBoard, you need to clearly define what your objectives are for your organization. In other words, before you can score, you have to know what the goal is....

ScoreBoards Help Leaders and Teams Win

ScoreBoards Help Leaders and Teams Win

In my book The Best Game, I talk about how leading an organization has many similarities to playing a game. Both involve objectives, rules, players, strategies, and competition. In fact, I think leading an organization is the best game there is!

Part of what makes any game fun is the thrill of competition, striving to be better and improve, which goes right along with knowing how you are doing. The score in a game points to the level of performance—against a competitor, a benchmark, or your own best effort....